Our church is one of those who evangelizes on the streets of the city, inviting people for Bible study. It is obvious that not everyone welcomes this way of evangelization. Some will say that it is ineffective. Others will say that we disturb the rest of the people and interfere in the personal space of a person who does not need it.
But if we are sincere Christians, we must understand the pain and desire of God to be heard by everyone. God wants all of us, the human race, to come to Him and hear what He tells us. He wants us to stand on the righteous path, to love one another, to live in peace with one another.
When we look at the world around us, is there peace in this world? Is there love in this world that the Bible says? Yes, there is but it is not as much as we all would like to see and that love does not match with the Bible. The Bible says love is unconditional love and forgiveness. We have love but not such love as Jesus showed. But imagine that He wants to see love, forgiveness, peace not only in many but in everyone. So knowing such a heart of God, can we just say that evangelism on the street is ineffective? Can we say that we bother people too much with our invitations to meet God?
Today, society lacks live communication with people. There is a lack of communication with people about our human existence. We are too immersed in gadgets, personal business, but we can not or do not see the point of just coming up and talking to a person.
Most people today say that faith is their personal matter. But let’s be honest. Faith has never been a personal matter. Faith has always been a common cause of people. Only unbelief can be a personal matter.
In a world full of immorality, betrayal, arrogance, pride, fear, and hatred, can we just live and not preach the eternal Word of God about love, forgiveness, peace, salvation …
Kyiv Immanuel Church was started with street evangelization when the first members of the church met the missionaries on the streets of Kyiv and heard the Word of God from them. It has become a good tradition to evangelize on the streets of the city and to share the gospel with the people.
Let us not forget that street evangelization is primordial. It is a method of evangelization initiated by Jesus Christ himself. And this method has always been effective. Only in the last decade with the development of the Internet, some have begun to believe that it is outdated and inefficient. But can what is natural be outdated or ineffective?
(Romans 10:13-15) 13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”